Sights and experiences
Terri's view of the journey

While Todd is posting about the journey and sailing experiences, I will share some of our journey in photos. I think my family knows that I will stop and take pictures of animals, rocks, flowers... and then forget where or why I took them :P So this will be my attempt to chronicle our journey in photos!
The fingernail/header picture was our 'neighbors' in Beaufort (pr bow-fort). They would perch and sleep there for hours!

One picture, of one fin... that's it! Out of literally hundreds of pictures that I took, this is the only one that even resembles a dolphin :( They would swim across our bow and then disappear. They could be seen en masse in huge waves and then disappear. They would jump out of swirling water where birds were swooping down catching fish and then disappear. Get the point? I swear one of them sees me watching and reaching for my phone and tells the others 'Dive, dive, dive!'
This was in Beaufort, NC but we've seen them in multiple ports now. Floating Tiki bars! I'm sure these are extremely popular in summer with tourist season but they still had enough folks in off-season that we saw them several times a day.

Southport NC
Coming into the marina in Southport NC. Huge warehouses for maintenance can be seen at the back of the marina.

Sunset in Southport
We were tied to the T-head docks so had a beautiful view of the sunsets each night!

Southport Christmas
Walking to an amazing dinner at the Moore Street Oyster Bar, we came across this throwback Christmas lawn setup!
Little River, SC
Leaving Little River, SC before sunrise.

Little River, SC
The full moon was still up making it a magical morning.

Little River, SC
Ibises galore!! They were waking up in the fog. (might have to zoom on this one :P)

Georgetown, SC
Sunrise was in Little River and sunset in Georgetown. It was a long day but beautiful!
Sunrise was just as amazing. Many beautiful homes like this lined the river.
Georgetown, SC

Georgetown, SC
It was surprising to see the homes built right up to the marsh!

Georgetown, SC
Every buoy had these birds warming themselves as the sun came up! And then all the seagulls in a ring at the bottom.

En route
These two followed us for almost half an hour. Keeping up with Luthien at 7.5 knots. Diving into our wake for their lunch.
Charleston, SC
Stately homes line the Ashley River in Charleston as we make our way to the marina. Everyone was out walking or jogging along the river bank as the sun set.

Charleston, SC
More homes along The Battery

Charleston, SC
Docked at the marina! Sunset by the Scarborough Bridge.